MAKOY (Black Nightshade)

Makoy, also known as Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum), is an Ayurvedic herb that balances all three doshas of the body—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is recognized for its rejuvenating properties and is used to treat various health issues.

  • Botanical Name: Solanum nigrum

  • Family: Solanaceae

  • Rasa (Taste): Tikta (Bitter)

  • Guna (Qualities): Snigdha (Slimy), Laghu (Light)

  • Veerya (Potency): Anushna (Not hot)

  • Vipaka: Katu (Pungent after digestion)

  • Karma (Actions): Tridoshaghna (Reduces all three doshas)

This herb is commonly found in dry areas of India and is often mistaken as a weed. However, its medicinal properties are highly valued in Ayurveda. Makoy is used to treat respiratory disorders, kidney issues, skin diseases, fever, swelling, hemorrhoids, and digestive problems. Its panchang (root, stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits) is used in decoctions to relieve arthritis, wounds, bloating, cough, and urinary disorders. The fruits and leaves help with ulcers, while seeds address hallucinations, inflammation, and excessive thirst.


Makoy Health Benefits

Makoy, also known as Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum), is a medicinal herb widely used in Ayurveda for its therapeutic properties. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, it offers numerous health benefits. Here is a detailed overview of its traditional uses and benefits:

1. Prevents Premature Graying of Hair

Applying Makoy seed oil to the scalp and inside the nostrils helps delay premature graying by nourishing hair follicles and promoting melanin production.

2. Treats Eye Problems

A mixture of Makoy fruits and clarified butter (ghee) is effective against eye infections like conjunctivitis and reduces eye inflammation, improving overall eye health.

3. Relieves Ear and Nose Pain

Instilling warm juice extracted from Makoy leaves into the ears or nostrils alleviates pain and inflammation caused by infections.

4. Heals Mouth Ulcers

Chewing 5-6 fresh Makoy leaves daily helps soothe and heal mouth ulcers due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

5. Eases Teething Pain in Infants

Gently massaging Makoy leaf juice mixed with ghee or oil onto an infant’s gums reduces teething pain and inflammation.

6. Provides Relief from Cough and Cold

Consuming cooked Makoy leaves as a vegetable or drinking its decoction helps clear phlegm, reduce nasal swelling, and relieve cough and cold symptoms.

7. Helps in Tuberculosis (T.B.)

Consuming ripe Makoy fruits mixed with honey strengthens the respiratory system, aiding in the management of tuberculosis symptoms.

8. Beneficial for Digestive Disorders

Boiling Makoy leaves, fruits, and stems and consuming the decoction helps treat digestive issues like ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdomen), bloating, and constipation.

9. Stops Vomiting

Mixing Makoy juice with Suhaaga (Borax) acts as an antiemetic, preventing nausea and vomiting.

10. Treats Indigestion

Drinking a decoction of Makoy mixed with Pippali (Long Pepper) powder improves digestion, alleviates gas, and relieves indigestion.

11. Supports Liver Health

Consuming boiled Makoy extract promotes liver detoxification and is beneficial in treating liver enlargement and related disorders.

12. Reduces Spleen Swelling

A decoction of Makoy mixed with rock salt and cumin seeds reduces spleen enlargement and improves overall spleen function.

13. Helps in Jaundice Treatment

Mixing Makoy decoction with turmeric powder supports liver function and accelerates the recovery from jaundice.

14. Treats Kidney Disorders

Regular consumption of Makoy extract reduces kidney inflammation and relieves pain associated with kidney disorders.

15. Improves Heart Health

Taking 2-8 grams of Makoy plant extract twice daily enhances cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol levels and preventing heart diseases.

16. Treats Skin Diseases (Eczema, Psoriasis, Itching)

Applying a mixture of Makoy leaves, Shirish flowers, and Sambhalu leaves mixed with ghee effectively heals skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, and itching.

17. Heals Wounds and Reduces Swelling

A paste made from crushed Makoy leaves, betel leaves, and turmeric acts as an antiseptic, promoting faster wound healing and reducing swelling.

18. Cures Insomnia

Drinking a decoction prepared from Makoy roots mixed with jaggery calms the nervous system, aiding in the treatment of sleeplessness.

19. Reduces Excessive Thirst

A decoction made from Makoy flowers and fruits reduces excessive thirst and helps maintain fluid balance in the body.

20. Reduces Inflammation

Applying crushed Makoy fruits directly on swollen areas provides relief from inflammation and swelling.

21. Treats Edema (Fluid Retention)

Drinking freshly extracted Makoy juice or consuming boiled tender leaves and stems reduces fluid retention (edema), promoting kidney function and reducing swelling.

22. Effective for Fever

Drinking Makoy decoction helps reduce fever by lowering body temperature and boosting immunity.

23. Relieves Hemorrhoids (Piles)

Makoy’s natural laxative properties soften stools, ease constipation, and relieve symptoms of bleeding piles.

24. Treats Urinary and Bladder Disorders

Due to its diuretic properties, Makoy extract reduces inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, promoting healthy urinary function.

25. Neutralizes Rat Bites

Applying Makoy juice mixed with ghee on the affected area helps neutralize the toxins from rat bites and reduces inflammation.


  • Always consult a healthcare professional before using Makoy for medicinal purposes.

  • Use in moderation, as excessive consumption may lead to side effects.

Makoy’s wide range of health benefits makes it a valuable herb in Ayurvedic treatments, promoting overall well-being and supporting various bodily functions.

Makoy Usage:

  • Juice: 5-10 ml

  • Powder: 1-3 grams

  • Decoction: 10-30 ml

Note: For optimal results, consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before use.

Deep Ayurveda's Makoy Formulation

If you're looking for a high-quality, easy-to-use product to incorporate Makoy into your daily health routine, Deep Ayurveda's Makoy Capsules are an excellent choice. Made with pure, natural Makoy extract, these capsules provide a convenient way to enjoy the herb’s numerous health benefits.

Key Features:

Pure and Natural: Deep Ayurveda ensures that their Makoy capsules are made with high-quality, organic Makoy, free from harmful additives or preservatives.

💪 Boosts Immunity and Detoxifies the Body: Makoy capsules help strengthen the immune system and support the body’s natural detoxification processes.

❤️ Supports Liver and Kidney Health: These capsules promote healthy liver function, reduce inflammation, and support kidney health.

🌿 Improves Digestive Health: Makoy aids digestion, relieves indigestion, and reduces abdominal discomfort.

🧠 Enhances Sleep and Reduces Stress: By calming the nervous system, Makoy helps improve sleep quality and manage stress levels.


Makoy (Black Nightshade) is a potent Ayurvedic herb that offers numerous health benefits, from treating digestive and respiratory disorders to supporting liver, kidney, and skin health. Its anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and rejuvenating properties make it an essential part of holistic healing. Regular use of Makoy can help maintain overall well-being, but it should be consumed responsibly and under professional guidance.


  1. Is Makoy safe for daily use?

    • Yes, Makoy is generally safe when consumed in recommended doses. Long-term use should be monitored, and consultation with an Ayurvedic expert is advised.

  2. Can Makoy be used for children?

    • Yes, but only in small doses and under the supervision of an Ayurvedic practitioner. It is commonly used for teething pain and digestive issues in infants.

  3. How long does it take to see results?

    • Results vary depending on the health condition, but consistent use typically shows benefits within a few weeks.

  4. Are there any side effects of using Makoy?

    • When taken in appropriate doses, Makoy is safe. Overconsumption may lead to stomach discomfort or allergic reactions.

  5. Can Makoy be applied externally?

    • Yes, Makoy leaves and juice can be applied externally to treat wounds, swelling, and skin infections.

  6. Is Makoy effective for liver disorders?

    • Yes, Makoy is known to support liver health and is beneficial for liver enlargement and jaundice.

  7. How should Makoy decoction be prepared?

    • Boil the root, stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits in water until the liquid reduces to half. Strain and consume as directed.

  8. Can pregnant women use Makoy?

    • Pregnant women should avoid using Makoy unless prescribed by a healthcare professional.

  9. Does Makoy help with kidney stones?

    • Its diuretic properties help flush out toxins, which may aid in preventing kidney stones. However, use should be medically supervised.

  10. Is Makoy suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

  • Yes, Makoy is a plant-based herb, making it suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


Reviewed By

Dr. Sapna Kangotra

Senior Ayurveda Doctor

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