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What is Ayurveda ?

  • Ayurveda is an ancient healing system from India, over 5,000 years old.
  • It is part of the Atharvaveda, one of the four Vedas.
  • “Ayur” means life, and “Veda” means knowledge or science.
  • Ayurveda is the "Science of Life" focused on health and wellness.
  • It promotes balance between body, mind, spirit, and environment.
  • Guides ideal routines, diet, and behavior for overall well-being.
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Branches OF Ayurveda

  • Kayacikitsa (Internal Medicine)- General medicine, medicine for the wellness and treatment
  • Kaumara-bhṛtya (Pediatrics)- The treatment of children, Pediatrics
  • Shalyatantra (Surgery)- Surgical techniques and the extraction of foreign objects.
  • Shalakyatantra (Ophthalmology & ENT)- Treatment of ailments affecting ears, eyes, nose, mouth, etc. (“ENT”)
  • Bhutavidya- Psychiatry- Main deals with the Psychiatry problem.
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Objective Of Ayurveda

“स्वास्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं चा"
“Preservation to the health of the healthy person and treating ailments with different methods of ayurvedic treatment mentioned in Ayurveda”. This quote explain Ayurveda in one single line only and important to Know About Ayurveda in India

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Defination Of Health According To Ayurveda

Health is defined as the state of Balance of functional humor, metabolic fires, tissues, and excretions with a pleasant soul, senses and mind

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Pancha Mahabhuta

Theory of Pancha Mahabhuta or “five great elements” of Ayurveda are:

  1. Prithvi (Earth)
  2. Jala (Water)
  3. Tejas (Fire)
  4. Pavan (Air )
  5. Akasha (Ether)

Hence, Ayurveda advocates Yat Pinde, Tat Bramhande.


Tridosha Theory

The central concept of Ayurvedic medicine is the theory that health exists when there is a balance between three fundamental bodily senses of humor or tridoshas called Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

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    It is the air principle necessary to mobilize the function of the nervous system, brain functions, sensory organs

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    It is the fire principle which uses bile to direct digestion & hence metabolism into the venous system.

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    It is the water principle which relates to mucous and lubrication and the carrier of nutrients into the arterial system.

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Functions Of The Doshas

VATTA- Movement Breathing Natural Urges, Transformation of the tissues, Motor functions, Sensory functions, Secretions, Excretions, Fear, Emptiness, Anxiety, Thoughts, Nerve impulses

PITA- Body heat, Temperature, Digestion, Perception, Understanding, Hunger, Thirst Intelligence, Anger Hate, Jealousy

KAPHA- Stability Energy, Lubrication Forgiveness Greed Attachment Accumulation, Holding Possessiveness

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Sapta Dhatu Seven Body Tissues

RASA – Final Metabolic Juice and Plasma (Digestive System)
RAKTA- Blood (Blood Circulatory System)
MAMSA– Muscles and Tendons (Muscular System)
ASTHI – Bone (Skeleton)
MAJJA- Bone Marrow
SHUKRA- Semen Fluid (Reproductive System)
Note: In female one extra dhatu (Body Tissue) which is called “AARTAV” menstrual fluid.

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What is Prakriti

About Ayurveda, Prakriti or the distinctive personality of an individual is driven by a combination of the Tridoshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
These three doshas rule a person’s health, diseases, cure for any illness etc. It is the blend of these three doshas that makes a person different and unique from others.

As per About Ayurveda text following are the factors, which determine the Prakriti of the fetus:

  • Time and season during the conception.
  • Doshic dominance in the uterus.
  • The condition of the sperm and ovum.
  • Maternal food and lifestyle.

Deep Ayurveda in South Ripley Ipswich also offering 1 hours one to one consultation on Prakriti Analysis and any one can book his/her prakrurti analyses test with Dr Baldeep Kour a renowned ayurvedic practitioner in Ripley Ipswich city in Queensland.

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Tri Stambh Of AYURVEDA

About Ayurveda, Prakriti or the distinctive personality of an individual is driven by a combination of the Tridoshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
These three doshas rule a person’s health, diseases, cure for any illness etc. It is the blend of these three doshas that makes a person different and unique from others.

As per About Ayurveda text following are the factors, which determine the Prakriti of the fetus:

  • Time and season during the conception.
  • Doshic dominance in the uterus.
  • The condition of the sperm and ovum.
  • Maternal food and lifestyle.

Deep Ayurveda in South Ripley Ipswich also offering 1 hours one to one consultation on Prakriti Analysis and any one can book his/her prakrurti analyses test with Dr Baldeep Kour a renowned ayurvedic practitioner in Ripley Ipswich city in Queensland.

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